

Proderma’s Acne Systems for Teens



Your Teen's Path to a Clear Complexion

Are you tired of battling your teenager’s acne that shatters their confidence? Are you stuck in a cycle of expensive treatments that drain your wallet or traveling to doctor's appointments week after week, leaving you feeling hopeless? It's time to break free from the endless appointments and ineffective solutions. Introducing Proderma's Acne Systems for Teens, a new approach to achieving a completely clear complexion and the hassle and expense of traditional treatments in just 4-12 weeks once and for all.

Proderma is especially for teens struggling with acne and concerned parents seeking effective solutions. Proderma recognizes the unique challenges teenagers battling acne face and the worries parents experience when searching for viable options. With our specialized approach, we aim to empower teens to regain their confidence and provide parents with peace of mind. With over three decades of expertise in treating only acne the system offers exceptional results tailored specifically for teenager.

Affordable, Convenience Redefined

Proderma leverages cutting-edge technology to deliver results without the need for physical visits. Say goodbye to the costly, lengthy appointments and waiting room discomfort. With Proderma, you gain access to 24/7 care through text, email, or Zoom communications, all from the comfort of your own home with a fraction of the cost.

Drug-Free Approach

The approach is 100% drug-free, focusing on gentle, topical solutions that deliver fast results without the risk of harmful side effects. Unlike traditional treatments that rely on prescription drugs, Proderma offers a safer and more effective solution for acne management.

User-Friendly Experience

Navigating complex skincare routines can be overwhelming, especially for teens and parents. That's why Proderma's Acne Systems for Teens is designed to be easy to use, with pleasantly aromatic products that promote consistency and efficiency. Witness immediate improvement without the hassle.

Immediate Results, Zero Downtime

Tired of waiting for weeks or even months to see results? With Proderma, you'll experience immediate, visible improvements within days. Our strategic plan of action with clinical products combined with regular photo reviews ensure continuous progress, with no downtime or purging phase. Watch as redness diminishes, blemishes flatten, and confidence soars.

Personalized Care, Lasting Results

Proderma's Acne System offers personalized care tailored to your unique acne needs. Experience complete control over your complexion, with ongoing support provided even after achieving clear skin. Say goodbye to acne-induced worries and hello to a future filled with confidence and self-esteem.

Trust Proderma for Clear, Confident Skin

Don't let acne hold you back any longer. Trust Proderma's Acne Systems to deliver the results you've been searching for. Say goodbye to wasted time and money on ineffective treatments and hello to clear, confident skin that you can be proud of. Take the first step towards a brighter future with Proderma Acne Systems today.






(No Appointment Needed)


Or simply text to 949.498.9007 or email to scproderma@gmail.com and include a photo of the front and each side of his or her face profile, and you will receive a response promptly on the cost and duration on your teenager's specific concerns.


Disclaimer:  to ensure the privacy of all photos submitted to Proderma Acne Systems which are kept confidential and are for consultation purposes only. Any other is strictly prohibited



Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover, Vimeo Paypal, along with FLEX Accounts & HSA Plans are also accepted.



Julie P. from Laguna Beach, CA had this to say from a Yelp review:

Amazing results! You have to be deligent for home care? Yes. Will it work? Absolutely.  I had some questions going into my son's (13 yo) initial consultation. 1. Yay! No systemic antibiotics or drugs with extremely powerful side effects. 2. This is a conservative approach with a low side effect profile. 3. Will it work? With good home care (your instructions will be easy to follow). 4. Is the treatment pricey? it is more than over the counter drug store remedies. But those weren't coming close to working for my son. Is it expensive compared to repeated dermatologist visits and prescription medication? No.


